Acupuncture For Pain

We are no longer asking “does acupuncture work?” but “how does acupuncture work?”.  One quick internet search for “acupuncture for pain” or “acupuncture instead of opiods” into PubMed for will render a large volume of peer-reviewed studies.  I have seen quite a number of patients at the clinic that have been referred to acupuncture by their medical doctors as a treatment for their pain.  Acupuncture is so valuable at treating many many concerns, especially pain.  When given a course of treatments, acupuncture, in my clinical experience, has been very effective at relieving pain.  A course of treatments varies per the individual as it depends on how your individual body reacts to the acupuncture treatment.  Generally, a course of treatment looks like 3-5 treatments to see a shift in your symptoms.  With 6-10 treatments seeing long-term results. These treatments should be close in succession, weekly for optimal results. I’m sorry but 1 or 2 treatments a year, isn’t going to get you those long-term results.  There is no quick fix.  There is no magic cure-all.  Let’s view the human body as what it is, a beautifully miraculous and complex structure.  Healing or change to a complex structure, takes time my friends. 

More information can also be found at Evidence Based Acupuncture, where additional references are also listed.  Their article on pain states “In a 2-year retroactive survey of over 89,000 patients published in 2016, 93% of patients said that their acupuncturist had been successful in treating their musculoskeletal pain.” They explain how acupuncture works for not only pain, but a slew of other conditions like menopause, anxiety, allergies, and osteoarthritis.

Have a look! this organization is doing very important work.

And remember, this too shall pass. Your pain, like a fog, can be lifted. 

Lindsay Katschke

Lindsay is a licensed acupuncturist currently practicing in Victoria BC, Canada.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month