May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Did you know that acupuncture can be used to treat mental health issues from stress and anxiety to major depressive disorder?

Studies have also shown that regular acupuncture treatments stimulate the same areas of the brain that have dysfunction in patients that experience depression. Acupuncture treatments have a similar effect as anti-depressants, addressing the imbalanced neurotransmitters in the brain.

An article from Evidence Based Acupuncture states “Studies show that acupuncture had a large effect on reducing anxiety and depression compared to conventional treatment involving pharmacological approaches and psychotherapy, with over twice the reduction in symptoms. Moreover, research has revealed several known biochemical and biophysical mechanisms that may offer an explanation of how this ancient modality works.” Read more on this here:

Book in for a treatment today! Acupuncture can treat so much more than just muscle pain.

PMID: 27841974
PMID: 29502347

Lindsay Katschke

Lindsay is a licensed acupuncturist currently practicing in Victoria BC, Canada.

Acupuncture For Pain


My Journey into Acupuncture