My Journey into Acupuncture

What got me in to acupuncture?


I get this question A LOT.  Especially considering that my first career move was not healthcare focused.  It took me some time to try acupuncture, even after it was recommended to me by a friend.  I was hesitant, unsure it was right for me.  A long journey that brought me to where I am today.

After high school I enrolled into business and marketing in college, eventually graduating with a degree in business management.  The 10 years that followed I worked in customer-focused, sales and account management types of roles.  There was always a constant theme, helping people, being of service and that part I loved.  However, in my heart, something wasn’t right, I knew there was something more for me.

Funnily enough, it was the stress of a sales-focused, commission-driven job that sent me to an acupuncturist.  All that stress, sitting at a desk day-in and day-out.  I was burnt out and my body let me know it – with an intense neck spasm that immobilized me.  Seriously, I could barely roll myself out of bed.

Long story short, I was back to full range of motion and mobility the day after my acupuncture session. One session.  I was in awe, how could needles put me in such a state of calmness and relaxation?  I continued to receive treatments for a couple of years before realizing this was my passion. I received such compassionate care, and such great relief from not only muscle pain, but other issues and ailments that I was unaware acupuncture could help with.  I needed to do this for others.

Health and wellness have always been a large interest to me.  Struggling with my own health issues at a young age, I visited a naturopath that opened my eyes to a different way of viewing health care.  I knew I wanted to be a part of this type of healing, more naturally, but didn’t know how I fit.  Years later, after being a patient of acupuncture and seeing the breadth of healing possible, I knew I had found my place.

Lindsay Katschke

Lindsay is a licensed acupuncturist currently practicing in Victoria BC, Canada.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month


What Can Acupuncture Treat?